Appeals must be submitted in writing and received by 5 PM on Friday of 2rd Week Fall Quarter to or Student Health Center, 1200 Academy St, Kalamazoo, MI 49006.
No appeals will be considered based on the following:
1. Missed deadline
2. If the college health insurance has been used for any service
3. Insurance coverage does not meet the minimum criteria established by the College as described on the Student Health Center website
4. International student status
5. Appeals received after 5 PM on Friday of 2rd Week Fall Quarter
The Appeal Board determines whether an appeal meets the conditions for appeal set forth above. If the conditions are met, the Appeal Board will entertain the appeal. If the conditions are not met, the Appeal Board will not address the appeal. The Appeal Board’s decision is final and binding upon all involved in the matter.
Appeal Board:
Members of the following offices: Dean of Students, Financial Aid, Center for International Programs, Student Health Center